Education Specialist
President, CIBJO
President and CEO - GIA
Head of the Center for Gemstone and Lapidary Design
President & Co-founder, Guild Institute of Gemology
Jewelry Designer
President and Head Gemologist at CGL Canadian Gemlab
Nature's Geometry
Kybele LLC
ICA President
Founding Partner of William Freire & Associates
Compliance Experts BV
Foreign Investment Manager at ApexBrasil
Auditor at National Export Control Division Federal Revenue and Customs of Brazil
CEO, Gemolithos Group
Vice President of Education and Innovation at IBGM
Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) at ArtOuro & Gemas
President - Belmont Emeralds
Director at USP Centre for Responsible Mining
Chief Marketing Officer at Fura
CFO - Ben Sabbagh Bros
Director at the National Mining Agency (ANM)
Director of the Colored gemstone Division at Bonas Group
Field Gemologist
Manager, Field Gemology - GIA