Master of Ceremonies


Featured Speakers


Susan Jacques

President and CEO - GIA



Prof. Dr. Adriano Mol

Head of the Center for Gemstone and Lapidary Design

Andrew Lucas

President & Co-founder, Guild Institute of Gemology

Ara Vartanian

Jewelry Designer

Branko Deljanin

President and Head Gemologist at CGL Canadian Gemlab

Brian Cook

Nature's Geometry

Çiğdem Lüle

Kybele LLC

Damien Cody

ICA President

Dr. William Freire

Founding Partner of William Freire & Associates

Filip Van Laere

Compliance Experts BV

Helena Bonna Brandão

Foreign Investment Manager at ApexBrasil

Hermano Ferro

Auditor at National Export Control Division Federal Revenue and Customs of Brazil

Ioannis Alexandris

CEO, Gemolithos Group

Manoel Bernardes

Vice President of Education and Innovation at IBGM

Manuela Soares

Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) at ArtOuro & Gemas

Marcelo Ribeiro

President - Belmont Emeralds

Prof. Giorgio de Tomi

Director at USP Centre for Responsible Mining

Rupak Sen

Chief Marketing Officer at Fura

Samuel Sabbagh

CFO - Ben Sabbagh Bros

Tasso Mendonça Junior

Director at the National Mining Agency (ANM)

Tim Denning

Director of the Colored gemstone Division at Bonas Group

Vincent Pardieu

Field Gemologist

Wim Vertriest

Manager, Field Gemology - GIA