Post Congress Mine Tour Itinerary

All Inclusive Tour
- All flights included (4 flights)
- Ground transportation (3 bus trips)
- 8 hotel stays included
- Includes all tickets (Sugar Loaf, Christ The Redeemer and Culture Show)
- Includes all meals (Breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner)
- Includes all beverage (Beer, wine, Cocktails, water, soda and juice)
Frequent Ask and Questions (ICA Post Congress Mine Tour 2025)
The Mine Tour will take you to visit three of the most iconic and important mines in Brazil. Starting with Golconda Mine, located nearby the town of Governador Valadares, has been producing beautiful and unique tourmalines for decades. The second mine to be visited is the famous and impressive Belmont Mine. One of the biggest colored gemstone mining operations in the world, the Belmont Mine produces the most beautiful Brazilian Emeralds in the market. It is a unique opportunity to watch a large scale mine working at full capacity.
Last but not least, we are going up to the north of Brazil to end our trip with a grand finale. We will take you to the Brazil Paraiba Mine. The biggest producer of the most desired and rarest gemstone in the world. With a breathtaking operation, you will learn how the beautiful Paraiba Tourmaline is mined and processed in the very beginning of the chain.
The tour will last for 9 days, starting on May 23rd with a flight departing from Brasilia to Belo Horizonte at 3pm. And will end on May 31st arriving at 6:40pm back in Brasilia. Schedule your flight back home according to this arrival.
All flights and ground transportation are included in the Mine Tour. You don’t need to worry about booking any flight. It will include one checked luggage with 23Kg and one small hand carry bag. If you need more checked luggage, it will be charged by the airline company during check-in according to their price.
We have selected the best hotels in all towns we will be visiting. Willing to offer the best service and comfort during the trip. We have single room options with King or Queen size beds, according to the availability of each hotel, and double twin share rooms, with twin double beds to those willing to share the room. We have triple rooms available as well, but it is subject to availability. Contact us if you want a triple room and we will check the availability for you.
All meals and beverages are included. Breakfast, lunch, snacks and dinner. Beverages included: Water, soda, juice, beer, cocktails and wine of the house. We have chosen the best restaurants and a great variety of food, from classics to local experience cuisine. All meals will have vegetarian options available.
The walking distances are moderate. In some cases if you have restrictions you can choose to wait in certain points to avoid walking longer distances and uneven terrain. It will not affect your experience and will still be worth participating in.

23 May - Friday
24 May - Saturday
Flight from Brasilia to Rio. Dinner with a beautiful view of Sugar Lof bay
Christ the Redeemer Visit.
Tour of Copacabana and Ipanema Beaches. Sugar Loaf Visit.

Rio de Janeiro
Day 3 - 4 : Governador Valadares

25 May - Sunday
26 May -Monday
Flight from Rio to Governador Valadares.
Golconda Tourmaline Mine Visit

Governador Valadares (Golconda)
Day 5 : Itabira

27 May - Tuesday
Bus travel to Itabira.
Belmont Emerald Mine Visit.

Itabira (Belmont Mine)
Day 6 - 9 : Natal / Parelhas

28 May - Wednesday
29 May - Thursday
30 May - Friday
31 May - Saturday
Bus travel to Belo Horizonte.
Flight from Belo Horizonte to Natal.
Bus travel to Parelhas.
Brazil Paraiba Mine Visit.
Relax day at the Beachfront
Resort in Natal.
Flight back to Brasilia.

Natal / Parelhas (Paraiba Mine)