Ioannis Alexandris

CEO, Gemolithos Group

Mr. Alexandris is The founder and CEO of the Company GEMOLITHOS with Offices in Germany, Hong Kong, United Kingdom, Switzerland and Mainland China. He is Gemologist, Antique jewelry expert, Author and philanthropist. Since 1995 he is dealing with high-end Antique and high-end jewelry. Through the years, he traded important historical pieces owned by royalties. Several of his jewelry achieved international record prices.

Mr. Alexandris is researching antique jewelry in high-end, signed, antique and high-quality gems and jewelry categories. He has written several articles worldwide, and his book "Antique jewelry 1800-1939" will be published soon.

Mr. Alexandris served on the board of advisors of Antique exhibitions in the USA, Emerald Group, and he is currently Chairman Of the communication Committee at ICA. He is a Member of the Director's Circle at the Victoria & Albert Museum London and a Supporter of The British Museum in London.

He presented on the subject of antique jewelry in congresses, auction houses, TV, and to private groups In : China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, USA, Germany, Malaysia, Taiwan, and Colombia.

All Sessions by Ioannis Alexandris